Projected IRR
Projected Hold
1 Year
Year Acquired
This complex was acquired in Q1 of 2023 and is located in Warrenton, NC. While located in a "smaller" market, Warrenton was targeted due to:
- Proximity to Raleigh/Research Triangle (Less than 1 hour). With the rapid growth in the research triangle area, it's our belief that growth will expand into the surrounding areas.
- Low Supply of Rental Units. With little current competition in the area and no new construction scheduled (based on city permits/applications), there is a prime opportunity to take advantage of positive rental projections.
- Positive Rental Trends/Projections. Yearly rent in the area has steadily increased from 2018 - 2023 and projections show this to continue into the foreseeable future.
On top of the market potential, the 18-unit complex is set up to be a strong financial performer in itself. In less than 1 year, we have increased rental rates by almost 50% and increased property value by almost 60% - resulting in an estimated 2X payout for out investors.
741 Merritt Capital Dr. Ste 104
Wake Forest, NC 27587
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